

こんにちは、イギリス生まれ・東京在住、英語教師で作家のLukeです。今週、僕が書いたオノマトペ(擬態語・語音後)についての本 が出版されました。是非チェックしてみて下さい!



まず、携帯電話は英語で cell phone や mobile phone といい、現在は phone という人も多くいます。

イギリス人は mobile phone や mobile という英語をよく使い、アメリカ人は cell phone や cell という英語をよく使います。スマートフォンは英語でも smartphone なので覚えやすいですね。

Yesterday I bought a new mobile.


通話中に突然電話が切れてしまった場合、日本人がよく混同してしまうフレーズは I got cut got off. と My phone got cut off. です。
I got cut off. は「電話が切れてしまった」という意味ですが、My phone got cut off. は「料金を払わなかったので電話が止められてしまった」という意味になります。

My bad. I got cut off for some reason.

This month I didn’t have enough money, so my phone got cut off.



I’m having trouble hearing you.


電波は英語で reception といいます。

The reception is really bad.


The reception is bad, isn’t it? You’re breaking up.



圏外の場合は no service、園外の場所に行く場合には out of range という英語を使います。

I’m going hiking in the mountains today, so my cellphone is going to be out of range.

I guess you can’t get service in the underground, can you?

また、海外に行った際などに別料金で違う会社の電波を使うサービスは roaming charges といいます。


My phone batteries are about to die!

Do you have an iPhone charger?


7 件のコメント

  • 待ってましたのテーマながら触れられてませんでしたが…(^_^;)
    日本ではスマートフォンを「スマホ」と略しますが、つい最近、英語の略は?毎度フルスペルで書くのは面倒!…と調べたものの見つからず、英語話者(not a native but a fulent Italian)の友人に質問した所「Otherwise you just say “phone”, without specifying that it’s a “smart phone”. Nowadays almost everyone has a smart phone」との答え…
    私はcell loverなのに失礼しちゃう(-ε-;)
    特にin USAの友達は「You should get an iPhone. You will love smart phone. Just try it.」とpushするので困ります…(^_^;)
    PS.YouTubeでのLukeさんの目周りのクマが気になります  (^_^;)
    You should be busy, but take good care and try not push yourself!(^_-)-☆

  • Does the phrase of ‘get cut off ‘ include strong meaning?
    For instance,
    ‘Domestic roaming is usually free.
    But,this incoming call is international roaming.
    So,I gonna get cut off this call.
    I’ll make a call you later.’
    The sentence includes meaning that it is not good time to talk now.
    On the other hand,when I’d like to say that I ‘ll end a call right now,I can say below.
    ‘Now,it’s a time to go back to my home work.I really enjoyed talking with you.
    I look forward to talking with you again soon.’

  • Hello again Luke,
    I use a featurephone as the best business phone not only for use overseas,but for domestic use .
    In such a way,to make certain Roaming charges is important.
    Because,my phone is working with the sim card of the other country’s mobile network operator in both countries.
    Why do I think it is the best use for my needs?
    Many people in another countries don’t know how hard it is to use worldwide on Japanese mobile network operator’s phones.
    Their major phones do not work overseas.
    In addition,Japanese phone can’t be changed Japanese sim card to another country’s mobile network operator’s sim,even though I’m overseas.
    It is called ” Sim-lock ” function based in one-sided right to Japanese mobile network operator.They want to take expensive Roaming charges from all Japanese user for the mobile phones.
    It means I can’t become a business traveler overses with only Japanese phone make.
    Just recently,they are starting to sell ” sim-lock-free phone ” as like the latest phone.
    But,they are selling us expensive charges
    against ” cancellation of sim-lock-free phone ” at the same time,even though it works with
    the prepaid type sim card.
    It does not make sense.Where is ” sim-lock-free “?
    On the other hand,the other country’s provider offer me a IDD prefix.
    Moreover,I can get worldwide SMS in Japan for free,too.

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    英語の教師と作家。父はイギリス人、母はアメリカ人。イギリス生まれ、13歳でアメリカへ。卒業後はワシントンDCで記者。現在東京に在住。著書に『この英語、どう違う?』(KADOKAWA)、『とりあえずは英語でなんと言う?』 (大和書房)、など。NHK基礎英語1と婦人公論の連載。