そこで今回は、イギリスにあるモン・サン=ミシェルにそっくりな修道院を紹介します。セント・マイケルズ・マウント(Saint Michael’s Mount)はモン・サン=ミシェルと同様に1000年前に建てられた修道院でした。モン・サン=ミシェルはフランスの北海岸にありますが、セント・マイケルズ・マウントはイギリスの南海岸にあります。そして、これらの修道院は直線上にあります。つまり、モン・サン=ミシェルから船に乗って、真北に行くと、イギリスのセント・マイケルズ・マウントに到着するのです。

Saint Michael's Mountの修道院

Saint Michael's Mount の土手道

I have been there before and will go there in a few month maybe?
One of my favorite places in UK!Penzance as well!Wight island is nice!Jersey is great as well more friendly!Hitchhiking is easy!Just stand and get the lift in a few min!
Wow, that’s great to hear that someone from Japan has actually been to Saint Michael’s Mount.
Hello Mr. Luke, how are you? I hope you’re well. Today I hav a question to you. Did you used to live at close to the Saint Michael’s Mount when you was your childhood?
Hello, I just happened to find this site when I searched for Saint Michael’s Mount as I wanted to make sure about its history and background of the place. Well, I went there last week! I have been to Mount Saint Michel in France as well but I personally prefer the one in England! It was so beautiful and having calm atmosphere.