

こんにちは、イギリス生まれ・東京在住、英語教師で作家のLukeです。今週、僕が書いたオノマトペ(擬態語・語音後)についての本 が出版されました。是非チェックしてみて下さい!


1. While we were eating, there was a knock on the door.

理由: 「knock」は特定されていないので、「a」を使います。英語では、フロントドアについて話す時には、ほとんどの場合、「the」を付けます。ですので、家にいる時には、誰かが「the door」と言うと、「the front door」をさします。
2. I had fish and chips for dinner.

理由: 「fish and chips」は料理の名前なので、冠詞を使いません。

3. Would you like a Gin and tonic?

「Would you like a coffee?、Would you like a sandwich?、 Would you like a cup of tea?」と同じように特定していない物について話す時に「a」を使います。

4. I’m on a diet.

理由:この「diet」は特定されていません。「I am on the diet you mentioned. 」というふうに特定すると、「the」を使います。

5. No sugar for me please.

理由:これは「zero article」の例で、「No dogs are allowed here.」というような「no」を使う文章では、冠詞を使いません

6. Would you like to go to a restaurant in Shinjuku?

理由: 新宿には、一つではなく、沢山のレストランがあります。

7. The restaurant is near the Yamanote line.

理由: Yamanote線は一つしかありません。

8. The restaurant is near Tokyo Tower.

理由: Tokyo Towerは名前なので、冠詞を使いません。

9. Can I pay for the food by credit card?

理由:「by」のあと、無冠詞が多いです。例えば、「by bus」、「by cash」などです。

10. I used to go on holiday to the Philippines, where I ate some great food.

理由: The Philippines, The Netherlandsなどの複数形の国は定冠詞を使います。

3 件のコメント

  • 7. The restaurant is near the Yamanote line.
    理由: Yamanote線は一つしかありません。
    8. The restaurant is near Tokyo Tower.
    理由: Tokyo Towerは名前なので、冠詞を使いません。
    Tokyo Towerもひとつしか無いし、Yamanote線も名前だと思うんですけど、この二つの違いは何ですか?

  • Hi Luke,
    When we say something with ‘ by bus’,’by
    cash’,’by credit card’ and so on,each of those does not need ‘The’.
    For example,if we deposit in own bank account by cash,we’ll get a piece of paper from the bank cashier at the branch. It would be printed that ‘by cash/A/C’.
    What does it mean ‘/’ at the right side of ‘by cash’? ‘A/C’ means ‘written abbreviation for cash account’. So,’by cash/A/C’ means ‘the funds by cash deposit in one’s cash account’. I think ‘A/C'(i.e. cash account) means ‘saving account’.
    By the way,how do you say about the piece of
    paper printed ‘by cash/A/C’ in the case?
    When you say just only ‘deposit’,it would mean two ways,i.e. cash and checks. But,almost Japanese think deposit has only one way,i.e. by cash.
    So,if you say ‘deposit slip’,the phrase can be used like below;
    ‘Deposit your cash payments using a bank deposit slip.’.
    Probably,most Japanese don’t understand the meaning of the phrase.
    At first,we need to understand ‘cash’ has two meanings. Most Japanese also think ‘cash’ has only one meaning,i.e. notes. So,what is another meaning of ‘cash’?
    Here is the answer,’cash a check at the bank’.
    It means change a check to cash,i.e. notes.
    Then,the previous sentence means below.
    ‘Deposit (i.e. verb) your cash payments ( i.e notes changed from paycheck ) using a bank deposit slip ( i.e. a slip to change a check for notes )’.
    Therefore,’deposit slip’ could not be applicable to the case,i.e. a piece of paper for ‘by cash/A/C’.
    Then,can we use the phrase using a word ‘ the Receipt’ in the case? Have a look at the sentence below.
    ‘Cash Receipt forms must be filled out. You must write a brief description of the payment.’
    OMG.it looks that almost of all people overseas believe they need ‘cash a check at the bank’ to deposit. It looks all people think the payee( i.e. Source of Payment)must be existed as a third party to deposit in western countries,especially.
    On the other hand,1%-Japanese like me ( i.e a billionaire 🙂 usually think that a third party is not needed to deposit in own account. Because,it is not needed to seek ‘Source of Payment’ from a third party to deposit usually.
    Anyways,I’ve still not found the applicable word to express about a piece of paper for ‘by cash/A/C’.
    How about this phrase ‘an advice-receipt for deposit by cash’? But,are you going to still say about ‘ a check ‘? LOL
    How about the following sentences?
    ・ ‘an advice-receipt for deposit by cash via deposit machine’
    ・’an advice-receipt for deposit by cash from bank cashier at the branch’
    ・’I keep a customer copy of the receipt for deposit by cash’.
    But,never say ‘cash receipt’,nor ‘deposit slip’ in the case.
    Additionally,some Japanese included ones staying in overseas express a piece of paper as also ‘statement’. But,’statement’ is different from ‘ an advice’,’a receipt’ and ‘a slip’. In actually,’statement’ means ‘monthly statement’.

  • 私もA learnerと同じく「Yamanote line」と「Tokyo Tower」の違いを知りたいです。
    あと、2つ目の単語の一文字目が大文字になるのはなぜかも知りたいです。(逆にYamanote lineのlはなぜ大文字にならないかも)

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    英語の教師と作家。父はイギリス人、母はアメリカ人。イギリス生まれ、13歳でアメリカへ。卒業後はワシントンDCで記者。現在東京に在住。著書に『この英語、どう違う?』(KADOKAWA)、『とりあえずは英語でなんと言う?』 (大和書房)、など。NHK基礎英語1と婦人公論の連載。