給料は英語で何というでしょうか ー 日本と英米での給料の支払い方の違い


こんにちは、イギリス生まれ・東京在住、英語教師で作家のLukeです。今週、僕が書いたオノマトペ(擬態語・語音後)についての本 が出版されました。是非チェックしてみて下さい!

突然ですが皆さん、「給料」は英語で何というでしょう?さて、たった今皆さんはどんな英単語を思い浮かべていますか?日本では、サラリーマンという言葉が使われているので、 salary が頭に浮かんだ方も多くいそうですね。もちろんこれは正しい英語ですが、給料を表す英語は、salary、wage、pay の3つあります。今日は、これらの使い分け方について説明したいと思います。

まず、pay は最も一般的な単語で、支払われるお金をいいます。pay は月給制の仕事に対しても、時給制の仕事に対しても使えます。

Doctors have very good pay.

I get paid in cash every week at my job.

次に、wage は主にアルバイトなど時給制の仕事に対して使います。「時給」はよくhourly wageと訳されています。

What is the hourly wage for this job?

Bartenders have low wages, but get great tips.

そしてサラリーマンでおなじみの salary は、ビジネスや専門的分野など、月給制の仕事に対して使います。

I would like a job with a better salary.

The annual salary for this job is 30,000 dollars.

日本で給料といえば、現金の口座振込に加え給料明細を貰うのが一般的かと思います。給料明細は英語で pay slip といいます。
しかし、アメリカやイギリスでは、給料日に小切手を貰うのが一般的です。給料支払い小切手は paycheck といいます。僕は、給料の支払いに限らず、小切手を使っている日本人を見たことがありません。

monthly salary / monthly pay ー 月給
yearly salary / yearly pay ー 年収、年棒、年給
hourly wage ー 時給
paid holiday ー 有給
minimum wage ー 最低賃金

最後に、僕が1ヶ月の中で1番好きな「給料日」は、 pay day といます。この英語はとても覚えやすいですね。

Payday at my company is the 25th of every month.

2 件のコメント

  • Hey everyone, My profession is in Payroll. So I would like to spit some comments about payroll in US. Thus, what I’m gonna talk about here is more biased toward US. Sorry, UK folks!
    Instead of pay slips, pay stubs are common in US. And paid holidays are a part of 有給、but PTO(Paid Time Off, PTO is a countable noun: PTOs) is commonly used for 有給. We usually get paid bi-weekly. Labor laws are usually controlled by each state, although labor laws are also set at the federal level. This is very confusing, but each state has more labor law authority for employers to follow. Most of the states in US require employers to pay their employees bi-weekly. Some other states are twice a month baisis although monthly pays are not common in US. In my case, I get paid twice a month for 10 out of 12 months and three times for 2 out of 12 months because my company follows the bi-weekly pay – it is a pay frequency law here in Grand Canyon State. A friend of mine gets paid bi-monthly since his company’s headquarters is located in another state: therefore, his company can follow the home state of labor laws. Construction companies use bi-monthly pay methods a lot. He works for a construction company and its headquarters is located in PA(Pensylvania). Some people get paid weekly basis. I wished I could have had paid like him, but it would be a disaster for payroll professionals!

  • Hi Luke,
    Is the following my comment right?
    ★ What is ‘pay’?
    ◆ Pay: noun
    ‘ The ​money you receive for doing a ​job ‘
    ‘ You ‘ are a receiver.
    ◆ Pay: verb
    ‘ To give ​money to someone for ​work that they have done ‘
    The doer is a sender.
    ◆ Payment: no plural – noun
    ‘ The act of paying ‘
    The doer is a sender.
    ◆ Payroll:noun
    ‘ To pay salary to employee ‘
    The doer is a payroll clerk from the company as a sender.
    ★ How to pay?
    In Japan : Transfer
    In UK & US : Paycheck
    ★ What is ‘ Bill ‘?
    In UK : 1.) Paycheck 2.) Invoice
    In US : 3.) Note
    1.) Paper checks writing and mailing for payment.
    2.) It is used like ‘Could we have the bill,
    please?’ at a restaurant.
    3.) Do not say ‘Bill,please.’ to American.LOL.
    ★ How does it mean below?
    ‘ Bill Pay is quicker and easier than writing and mailing paper checks.’
    ・’ Bill ‘ means ‘ Invoice ‘.Not ‘ Paycheck ‘.
    ・’ Bill Pay ‘ means ‘ Name of Payment Service of the company ‘,probably.
    ・’ writing and mailing paper checks ‘ means ‘ Paycheck ‘.
    I think the sentence means:
    ‘ Our Payment Service,you can make payments for invoice and it’s easier than paycheck.’
    ★ What is a trap in Japanese-English about’Pay’?
    Most people in Japan think the word for ‘Pay ‘is ‘Income’ in English.Who has made it?No way.
    How is ‘No way’?
    Remind that. ‘How to pay? In Japan : Transfer ‘.
    ‘Transfer’+’Income’=’Transfer Income’.
    It means ​’money from the ​government in the ​form of ​benefits ‘.(= ​payments for ​people who cannot ​find a ​job or are too ill to ​work)
    Never use it,if it is used insted of ‘Pay’ by Japanes accounting .
    ★ How we can say insted of ‘that’?
    ‘Make payments via telegrapfic transfer ‘.
    ・’ Make Payments ‘ is activity.
    ・’ Telegrapfic Transfer ‘ is a method.
    ★ ‘ Payment: no plural – noun ‘?
    ‘Payments: noun’ is in Business English.
    It means an ​amount of ​money that is expected to be ​paid. It’s not ‘action’.
    ★ How can we say about the bank account for receiving payments?
    ‘Beneficiary account for payments’.

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