radの意味とradicalの意味 (ネイティブのスラング辞典と英語発音辞典)


こんにちは、イギリス生まれ・東京在住、英語教師で作家のLukeです。今週、僕が書いたオノマトペ(擬態語・語音後)についての本 が出版されました。是非チェックしてみて下さい!

「rad」は「radical」 の略語ですが、radicalより多く使われています。

radの意味と使い方 – 素晴らしい

意味は、「素晴らしい」や「最高」です。英語の「cool」や「awesome」に似ていますが、ニュアンスはもっと極端的で、「very, very cool」という意味に違いです。「cool」は全部の英語圏の国で使われていますが、「rad」は特にアメリカの西海岸で使われています。イメージは「surfer」がよく使う言葉です。「Teenage Hero Mutant Turtles」というアニメでは、「rad」という言葉がよく使われていました。多くの場合は、「cool」ではもの足りない時や表現力がある言葉を使いたい時には、「rad」や「radical」を使います。

1. Those are some rad shoes.
2. Wow, that is totally radical.

radの意味 – 人に対して使い方


3. Once you get to know her, she is a pretty rad kind of a girl.

7 件のコメント

  • ラップが大好きです。

    • 凄く共感できて、それで羨ましいなっておもいました。

  • […] Jesse: Pretty darn exciting, huh? You wanna jump that fountain again? That’s all right. Joseph, we’re off the bike. fountain 噴水. Joey: So I should let go of you now? lèt gó of…つかまえているもの〉を放す. Jesse: Either that or we have a lot of explaining to do to my parents. Get off me. Jesse: How did you like that ride? Joey: Jesse, it was a revelation! I saw God! In fact, I think we lapped him. revelation 【キリスト教】 天啓,啓示,黙示.明らかにすること,暴露 Jesse: All right man, you got the look, you’ve got the feel. All you gotta to do is get on a bike and ride to adventure. Joey: Yeah, baby! I’m hell-bound! Jesse: Whoa! Whoa! You ain’t hell-bound on my bike! Nobody rides my bike but me. You need a bike? Take your pick. And if you miss that vimmmmm sound, put some cards in the spokes. ain’t  am not、is not、are not、have not、has notを短縮したもの  take your pick 選ぶ Joey: You know what you are? You’re a bike tease. You get a guy all fired up, and then you say “uh uh! No.” Well, I want danger. I want adventure. I want to ride your pig! tease いじめる[いじめられる]こと.《口語》 いじめる人,(性的に)じらす人.  fired up 憤激する 〔at〕. Jesse: That’s “hog.” All right, Joey. Once around the block. Go ahead. Now, listen, you be very very careful. You hear me? I can’t watch this. (見てらんねぇ)Whoa, whoa, hold it! Joey: What’s your problem, dude? Jesse: You gotta open the garage door, dude. Joey: Radical. 「rad」は「radical」 の略語ですが、radicalより多く使われています。意味は、「素晴らしい」や「最高」です。参考サイト […]

  • Hi Luke,
    I was told that ” She is radical! ” by some individuals who looked like coming from Western countries.
    I was often told that ” She is nice! ”
    or ” She is beautiful.”
    or ” She is pretty.” by them in Japan.
    I’m an adult woman. However,they tell me so.
    When someone looked at me and said that
    ” She is radical! “,
    I didn’t understand its meaning.
    In Japanese-English dictionary,it is written that ” radical ” means :
    ・believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change
    ・relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme
    The previous meanings in dictionary confused me.
    I really understood its meaning right now!
    Thanks a lot.
    It means like ” the most greatest “,
    ” very,very cool ” ,etc. in slang English!
    ( This slang meaning ” radical ” is not in UK English dictionaries. )
    The person who said so may be younger guy or may come from West Coast.
    So,he used the slang word to express,right?
    I understood that the slang English ” radical ” is used by nice individuals,too.
    Because, it’s not something rude meaning.
    It means :
    ” super cool naturally or originally “. 🙂
    Besides,I’m the Japanese but I’m not the typical Japanese type in thoughts,feeling and etc.
    I think some Western individuals have really grown-up sense in thoughts or feeling regardless of their nations or age or so on.
    So,They have the same feeling as me far more than some Japanese or some other Asian who came from somewhere.
    Or,I think our individualities have what is similar each other or what we hope so each other depending on individuality only,even if it is visible or invisible.
    Whereas,we are also faced with the some paradoxical people that are with blind hatred against someone’s personal elegance or peace of mind or nice relationship,etc.
    We’re tired by the paradoxical people’s crocodile tears which is to make things up against someone ” radical “.
    And,We’re tired by their laughing that is like ” moron “.
    We’re also tired by the paradoxical member’s hypocrisy which is to criticise or attack against someone ” radical “.
    Because,they want us to consider that they are ” radical ” instead of us.
    The cause of the trouble in the world is
    that the paradoxical members are ” cocksure air ” and noisy.
    But,we can kick back ” its air ” to them,if we really ” radical “.
    So,let me tell someone ” radical ” just a little bit:
    ” Remain Radical “.

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    英語の教師と作家。父はイギリス人、母はアメリカ人。イギリス生まれ、13歳でアメリカへ。卒業後はワシントンDCで記者。現在東京に在住。著書に『この英語、どう違う?』(KADOKAWA)、『とりあえずは英語でなんと言う?』 (大和書房)、など。NHK基礎英語1と婦人公論の連載。