log 丸太
firewood 薪
fireplace 暖炉
chimney 煙突
cut firewood 薪を割る
axe 斧
stoke a fire 火をかき立てる
flames 炎
sparks 火花
start a fire 火をおこす
a box of matches マッチ箱
flue 煙道
ash 灰
smoke 煙
I can’t wait give you beats とはどういう意味なのでしょうか。
このあいだ。近々会う予定のイギリスの友達の誕生日に、congratulation!!(←Is this word little formal?と、メールを送ったところ
yeah in england where we are for informal we would go ‘i cant wait to give you beats’
メールの感じから、I cant wait to give you beats は、悪い意味では無いようなんですが…
Hi Yurika,
I guess people usually say “Happy Birthday” more than “Congratulations”. “Congratulations” is not particularly formal, nor is it particularly informal. I don’t know what “give you beats” means, but we used to use the phrase “the birthday bumps”, which is when you throw someone up in the air on their birthday.
It’s not about that, but I want to ask you…
How do you say ものまね in English?
Because, when I said take off as ものまね to American, he couldn’t understand as that meaning…
Hi Mizuki,
You would probably use “do an impression”. For instance “do an impression of Tony Blair” is “トニー・ブレアーの物まねをする”. I hope that helps.
Hi Luke, your blog is great! I’ve just started read tons of your post. By the way, it is interesting about Norway. I don’t know about them chocolates. And you use 薪, 薪 is just about thing not acting I guess. You should put the list たき火(setting place on fire?) and “bonfire” (http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/焚き火). Thanks for great post!
Hi Seiichi,
Thanks very much. Firewood is just a noun, not a verb. I should definitely add bonfire to the list. Bonfires are outside fires. Are all 焚火 outside fires?
丸太の log と日誌の log には
That’s an interesting question. I wonder if there is a connection. Maybe this link might help you out. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=log
Hi, Luke!(ここではじめましてと英語で言いたいのですがNice to meet youとブログのコメント欄に書き込んだりしていいのでしょうか)
Now I asked two Norwegian friends of mine about it, but they say they don’t know such a cultural event.
Is it true?